Here you will find documentation for all the sections and features of Runbox, organized in the same structure as the service itself:


Details about every function available in the Runbox Webmail:

Compose – Write and send messages.

Preferences – Change how Webmail works and looks.

Folders – Organize your folders.


Manager lets you import, consolidate, and filter your email through its 3 levels Retrieve, Filter, and Access:

Retrieve – Import email from other accounts you may have.

Filter – Sort incoming email after any criteria.

Access – See the various access methods Runbox offers.


In Contacts you can store the personal details of people you correspond with.


Files is a convenient place for you to store or back up files online.


Account stores your personal details and everything related to aliases, accounts, and domain names.

Aliases – Set up alternative email addresses that deliver email to your account.

Sub-Accounts – Set up and manage extra, separate accounts.

Email Hosting – Lets you receive email in Runbox.

Web Hosting – Set up a website with state of the art cPanel control panel.

Domain Hosting – Register and manage new domain names.