You can set your email client to leave a copy of downloaded messages on the server. Please see the documentation for your email client to find out where this setting is.
Runbox supports Bitcoin payments via the payment processor BitPay. In order to pay with Bitcoin, you will need a Bitcoin wallet. If you don’t have one already, you can set one up with BitPay. Once you have a Bitcoin wallet with some funds, you may proceed to Runbox Payment Options to subscribe to Runbox using […] Read more
If you just want a new additional email address, we suggest creating an Alias for your account. If you’re experiencing severe spam issues, we recommend training your spam filter as the most efficient method of dealing with spam. See the Filter Help page for more information. If you really need to change your username we […] Read more
Aliases can be created and deleted from the Alias Administration page. An alias is a synonymous, extra email address, which delivers all incoming mail to your main account. Once you have created an alias it will begin to receive email within 15 minutes. You can use your email alias from the Compose window by selecting […] Read more
To host your domain’s mail with Runbox, you can add it from the Account > Email Hosting screen. You must change your domain’s MX records to (at your domain host), after doing this. You can use the “Catch all” feature or create other addresses on your domain, which can forward to different Runbox accounts if […] Read more
Note: For trial accounts you must validate the alternative email address you added to your account before you can send email with an email program. The most common errors associated with sending mail through an email program are: Error: 550 relaying prohibited (or similar) Runbox’ SMTP server requires that your mail program supports authentication. This […] Read more
On our Email Client Settings page we specify that you should use encryption for your incoming and outgoing mail connections with Runbox. This ensures that the data that is transferred between our servers and your devices is encrypted over the Internet so that others cannot read it if it is intercepted. Unfortunately, the terminology surrounding […] Read more
If you have not already installed the GPGTools then you should go back and do this now. Installing GnuPG on Apple Mail OS X (GPGTools) Creating a Key Pair It is probably worth reminding ourselves what we are about to do. We are going to generate an key pair. It is a pair because there […] Read more
Yes, you can activate this feature under Manager:Filter. New accounts have it enabled by default.
Much emphasis is put on whether an email service provider can keep emails secure and private with the minimal amount of effort on part of the email user. Achieving security and privacy is also the goal of many email providers. However, the only way to ensure the security of your messages is to manage the […] Read more
Introduction Although Runbox always tries to encrypt your email during transfer between you and our servers, and between our servers and other email providers, the only way to truly ensure that your email can’t be read by anyone you don’t intend it to be read by is to use end-to-end encryption. This ensures that messages […] Read more
With Runbox Files you can store all your files online and access them wherever you might be. By keeping your files centralized on the Runbox servers you can always stay synchronized, backup your data with the click of a mouse, save email attachments online for later use, and even edit them with office applications. Using […] Read more
To change your password, just enter your current password in the box at the top of the Account page, and then enter the new one into blank box in the “User Information” section. The click “Save Settings” at the bottom of the page. To reset a lost/forgotten password, please use the automatic password reset function (only […] Read more
If you need to have your account closed, please contact or submit a support ticket at
To POP from a specific folder only, create a new account in your mail client with the regular Runbox POP settings – only set your username in your email client like this: – for example:
Under Account, if your time zone is mismatched with your country, please reselect the country, and the right time zones will appear. Note: Sometimes you need to change your country to another one and then back before you see the time zones for the country you want.
This setting is found under Preferences. You can view up to 1000 messages at a time.
All these options are found under Webmail:Preferences, on the top left side of the webmail window. Please note that Preferences are by default the same as the Inbox for all folders, but can be changed on a per folder basis.
In order to have HTML messages displayed automatically, rather than as attachments, click on Preferences, and then select the option for Show HTML version. Then save your settings.
You can use a regular browser, an FTP client, and several other methods to access your files area. Please see the Files help page for more information.
Runbox offers its members a number of alternative domain names that are synonymous, and can all be used to receive email in your account. Some examples of these alternative domains are, and (there are others). What parts make up an email address? The part before the @ symbol is called the local-part, […] Read more
Your trial period lasts for 1 month. It has all the features of a paid account but does have some limitations that are in place to prevent people signing up for trial accounts and using them to send large amounts of junk email. The limits are: 20 messages per day – this is total recipients, […] Read more
The limit is 100 recipients per mail. If you are a trial user, you may not send more than 20 mails (i.e. to more than 20 recipients total) per day.
You can find details of the allowances and quotas for your account in your Account details and on our Price Plans page.
If you are connecting via a regular ISP (Internet Service Provider) or a public terminal in particular, you may happen to have been assigned the same IP (Internet address for the machine you are connected from) as someone who has previously been found to have abused our services. We apologize for the impact on honest […] Read more
There might be network problems between you and the Runbox servers, your Internet Service Provider might be blocking certain types of connections, or there could be problems within the Runbox services. To see whether there are any known service disruptions within Runbox, please see our Service Status posts . To confirm that the Runbox servers are running […] Read more
Runbox webmail requires cookies to be activated in your browser. Please check whether your security settings are compliant with this. In IE, this corresponds to the “Medium” security setting.
You set up email on these devices in the same way as with a regular email client. You can find the information you need on the Email Client Settings page. Some specific instructions for the iPhone are also available.
If you previously subscribed to Runbox, you can most likely reopen your account as we save both account data and email for a period after the account has expired. You can find out more about how long we store your data after your account has expired in our privacy policy. Accounts are permanently deleted after […] Read more
To import your contacts (which must be in a CSV file), click Contacts in the main menu and then “Import” in the Contacts menu. After a CSV file has been uploaded, you can define a mapping from the Runbox fields (like first name, last name, phone number etc.) to the columns of your CSV file. […] Read more
On this page we will explain how to install the Enigmail add-on for Thunderbird and how to create your first key pair. Before we begin… If you have not already installed GnuPG/OpenPGP on your computer, then you should go back and do that first before trying to carry out the instructions on this page. Installing […] Read more
The GPG website suggests that GPGTools as an easy way to install GPG on a computer running Apple OS X. The GPGTools installer is easy to use, and will install the necessary components for encryption. By default it will install an add-on for Apple Mail called GPGMail, if you don’t use Apple Mail and don’t […] Read more
The GPG website suggests that Gpg4win as an easy way to install GPG on a computer running Microsoft Windows. The installer is easy to use, and requires only a few options to be selected by the user during installation. Below we have included information about installing Gpg4win. You might also want to look at the […] Read more
Mailvelope is a browser add-on for Firefox and Chrome that enables PGP encryption and signing of messages sent from the Runbox Webmail. The following instructions will install and set up Mailvelope with Firefox (Chrome will be similar): Open Firefox and install the Mailvelope add-on from Ensure that the add-on is enabled in your browser, […] Read more
Many email clients have a default polling interval of 10 minutes, but if your client is set to poll more frequently than this the server might not be able to feed the folder information to the client before the next request. We recommend a interval of 10 minutes or more to avoid such timeouts.
Please double check the address(es) you have typed; if using the address book, check the entries you have created there for errors also. Currently the webmail doesn’t support putting addresses in quotes or < >.
New accounts take may take up to ten minutes before they are able to receive mail. All other functions work at once. If you are sending email to an address at a domain you have set up with Runbox, please verify your Domain Status from the Account:Email Hosting screen.
We generally recommend that you regularly review your Spam folder to check for any legitimate messages, and report them to the spam filter as “Not spam”. This keeps your spam filter tuned to new types of incoming spam while not becoming overly effective. It might become tedious to sort through all the messages in your […] Read more
If you are a business or organization that is new to Runbox it is worth considering a few things before you sign up for our accounts. By asking yourself the questions below, and considering the additional points mentioned you can save yourself some time and expense later on as you begin to use our service. […] Read more
If you are new to Runbox it is worth considering a few things before you sign up for one of our accounts. By asking yourself the questions below and considering the additional points mentioned you can save yourself some time and expense later on as you begin to use our service. How many accounts do […] Read more
If you have tried to make a card payment and it has failed for some reason, we would like to offer the following information and advice. Some banks refuse credit/debit card transactions if they are being requested by a company outside the country the card was issued in. Even without a PayPal account in some […] Read more
Many people prefer to use an email program (app) instead of using webmail with a browser. Below we list some popular programs we can offer support for with links to our set up instructions for IMAP. Many of the programs will let you set up multiple identities based on your Runbox aliases and we’ve indicated […] Read more
Subscribing To begin with you will need to sign up for a free trial. This is how all Runbox accounts start out. You can find the “Sign Up for a Free Trial” button on our front page at You can pay for Runbox as soon as your account is open, and there are a […] Read more
The security and privacy of your email is a very high priority for Runbox, and we know it is for our members too. As such, it is worth reviewing some of the aspects of security that affect your email as it is transferred between you and Runbox and between Runbox and other email services. There […] Read more
To sign up a Runbox account, please go to Runbox Signup and follow the instructions. The information you provide will be kept strictly confidential, as stated in our Privacy Policy. 1. Person or Family – Business or Organization The main difference between these options is that selecting the Business or Organization option allows you to enter a business […] Read more
Note: As of September 2018 (release 2018.4) GPG Mail is no longer a free plug-in for Apple Mail, and comes with a $25 fee for support for the current version. Here we will look at how to send and receive encrypted and/or signed emails using Apple Mail with the GPGMail add-on. Before we begin… If […] Read more
The guides we have published elsewhere on this website are very much beginners guides. They assume that the reader has not used email encryption before, and is setting it up for the first time. After reading the guides you could be forgiven for thinking that encryption just works once it is installed. Your experience might […] Read more
Here we will look at how to send and receive encrypted and/or signed emails using Thunderbird with the Enigmail add-on. The screen-shots used are from the Windows version of Thunderbird, but they are very similar on Apple OS X. Before we begin… If you have not already installed GnuPG/OpenPGP and Thunderbird with the Enigmail add-on […] Read more
You can receive your email using POP3 or IMAP protocols, and email is sent using the SMTP protocol. You can find the settings for this on our Email Client Settings page.
New mail will then not be delivered until you delete enough mail to go under your limit again. Remember that your Trash folder counts towards your disk usage. The “451 can’t verify sender” error when sending mail from a client, is also caused by being over your disk or bandwidth quota. For more information about […] Read more
Runbox does not tolerate any attempt to send unsolicited email, or any fraudulent, abusive, or unlawful activity. We do not allow our servers to be used for bulk mailing or marketing emails. You are responsible for all usage of your account, and failure to comply with these guidelines will result in immediate account cancellation. For […] Read more
You can send and receive emails totalling up to 130 MB in size with the Runbox email service. Remember, however, that your files will grow in size by approximately 33% when you attach them to your emails. This is due to the encoding process that is necessary to allow files to be sent as email […] Read more
You can delete a whole folder at a time, by checking it off from the menu, and then clicking Delete (below the folder list). This will only delete folders created by you, default folders will just be emptied. To empty your Trash folder, click on the “empty” link in brackets next to the Trash folder […] Read more
If the message you are viewing is an HTML formatted message that does not include a “plain text” version then when you go to Reply there will not be an original message because Runbox only uses the “plain text” version for the Reply. The behavior is typically seen with HTML messages sent from Hotmail because […] Read more
This has to do with Microsoft Outlook and Exchange mail software, please see the following documents: How to Prevent Winmail.dat Attachments from Being Sent in Outlook: Disabe Winmail.dat Stubbornly Going to Recipients No Matter the Default:
You have to specify your name, signature and from/reply-to address (if diferent from your Runbox one) under Webmail:Preferences.
You can change the size of the text in the Runbox interface by scrolling down to the bottom of the page and clicking on the A+ and A- buttons. Your account will remember this setting for when you next login to your account. Note: Currently, it isn’t possible to specify a default font size for […] Read more